Spent most of today paring down RBR, need to reduce the amont of space for the move to shared hosting, The guys have sent me all of the TS12 Activities as CDP's which I will use to build the add-on to the compendium, will not be able to spend any time tomorrow as I need to do some coding for Greg, but it should be finished within a few days and I will build a zip for testing. Once that is verified all downloads will be removed and only the topics will be left. The FAQ will remain under the RBR web address for the time being what I will do shortly is remove the forums which will point to the FAQ I should be able to place a link there to Jenolan for he Compendium buy link.
The raildrivers are now for sale on eBay I really need to convert them to cash as they have been paid for on my credit card… hohum things are moving quite quickly it is going to be a real heart tug when RBR becomes a basically static site but as I have said before we have reached the terminus. Auran/N3VGames/Trainz is simply not interested in people driving their only interest is on $$ value add-on packs well let them have it they could have been the real successor to MSTS and they blew it.