Category: Code Snippets

Code snippets and hints

0 4389

Remove amember.css from Render

Remove the css from the generated code template, install into site.php

drop table
0 3066

Drop table like

Drop table from a database using a pattern, see the ‘like’ statement

Find & Delete
0 3315

Find & Delete

Example of how to recursively delete files

css reset
0 2828

Eric Meyer’s reset reloaded + HTML 5

CSS reset to clear all those pesky settings

File Permissions
0 2358

Set File Permissions

Most php servers require that files be ‘-rw-r–r–‘ and directories ‘rwxr-xr-x’ running the example in the directory you want will change all these recursively for…

PHP Log reporting
0 2976

Send PHP Error Logs

Check through your web sites for those pesky PHP error logs You need to have PHP writing errors to the file name ‘error.log’ Save the…