Paddy versus Jamie

Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he’d just been run over by a train. His arm is in a sling, his nose…

Irish Poker

Six retired Irishmen were playing poker in O’Leary’s apartment when Paddy Murphy loses 500 on a single hand, clutches his chest, and drops dead at…

Make of money … err

A skinhead was window shopping with his girlfriend when she spotted a beautiful diamond ring in a jewellery store window. “Wow, I’d sure love to…


A pair of eagles was flying over the Rockies when a jet dashed by. “Christ,” said one, “look at that son of a gun move!”…


A woman walks into a tavern, sits up at the bar and orders a Pilsner. She drinks it down and then “BAM” she passes out….

Look it up

He: If you give me your number, I could call you sometime. She: It’s in the book. He: Great! What’s your name? She: That’s in…

Same old story

An old man went to the college that he went to when he was a youth. He knocked on room number 3 of the hostel…

Getting older

Charlie and George were sitting in the park, talking, when the subject turned to getting older. Charlie said to George, “Women have all the luck…

New car

A blonde bought a brand new car and decided to drive down from some place far off, to meet this friend. She reached there in…

Under the kilt

The American tourist stood staring at the highland sentry standing guard outside Edinburgh Castle. After a few minutes she went up to the sentry and…