0 839

Trains: Why are there crushed stones alongside rail tracks?

An interesting article over at Quora

0 541

Old Bessie

A farmer named Clyde had a car accident. In court, the trucking company’s fancy lawyer was questioning Clyde. “Didn’t you say, at the scene of…

0 607

NS Train 737 9 26 2013

0 1274

USA shuts down

Unless you live under a rock you know that Congress has decided, by inaction, to allow the US administrative services to be shut down. Most…

0 68872

News Headline :: VicRoads grounds trucks from crash fleet

I realise that a lot of trucks seem to travel really quickly (ie over the speed limit) but it seems in Victoria they have managed…

0 197367

Privacy and the Internet

Privacy and the Internet Or why you shouldn’t email your secret recipes The Internet has been around for so long now that people take it…

0 1144

Election Day

It is always with a sense of despair that I wake up on an election day and realise I have the totally impossible task of…

0 1024

RedHen 400

0 597

Limestone Coast Railway "Red Hen" 405

1 638

Red Hen Rail Cars of the SAR