Category: News

At the Welcome to Bathurst March 2024
0 944

Welcome to Bathurst March 2024

Went to the Welcome to Bathurst today (second time) to make new resident aware of the Bathurst JP Desk at Bathurst City Centre, had a…

Jenolan's CESS
0 9280

Shoutbox & Comments

Due to the recent legal ruling both the shoutbox and ability to post comments have been removed. All existing posts have also been removed. This…

0 3537

Trainz & RBR

Need to remind people that RBR is gone. The DVD & Norm’s scenarios are still available for download as a service to Trainz users but…

No go kart loan
0 4162

Go Kart Loan — Really!

I have written to the editor of the Western Advocate about this proposed loan, I believe that the Councillors who voted in favor of this…

0 4361

Bathurst one year

Well it has been a year since we moved from the bush into town (Bathurst) still a long list of ‘stuff’ that needs to be…

Buy Australia
0 2593

Buy Australian

The website is live and has been for a few months, and the app will be live by next week, even though we didn’t raise enough…

0 1794

Site Updating

The site will be loaded with old content as time permits, no users except for those I will add manually to re-load comments/shouts etc