Author: Jenolan

0 1529


0 1835

R’U’OK Day

Today is R’U’Okay day … it is a wonderful idea I suppose but as someone who has struggled with serious depression for most of my…

0 938

Site setup

You will have noticed that the work-in-progress coding has been removed and that it is all back to a straight WordPress site. Simply it was…

0 564

RBR defunct

Well I waited for T:ANE to be sure, it totally did not excite me, as far as I can see it is pretty much just…

0 862

F-unit Crosses the Union Pacific Main Line

0 1448


For all that they did, and for all they were never able to do, we remember. #LestWeForget Kevin Andrews at Villers-Bretonneux, France on this day.

0 579

Redneck rail car

0 1076

Vale Mr Cricket

Well it is with sadness that I heard this morning that Richie Benaud has passed away, never had the pleasure of seeing him play as…

Vale Herbie

Just been told that ‘erbie passed away on the 28th February very sad to hear that an old friend has gone to the big train…

0 585

I am an expert