Check through your web sites for those pesky PHP error logs
- You need to have PHP writing errors to the file name ‘error.log'
- Save the snippet in your /root/bin as ‘sendlog'
- chmod 700 the file to make it executable
- As shown add it to crontab (example is hourly)
- Based on WHM/CPanel directory structure for web pages
#!/bin/bash # Put the line below (without the #) into your cron "crontab -e" this one is hourly #0 * * * * /root/bin/sendlog > /dev/null 2>&1 DIR="/home" LOG="/tmp/sendlog.mail" rm $LOG &> /dev/null # Do not check these direcorties IGNORE=".cpan .cpanm .cpcpan cPanelInstall clamav cpeasyapache virtfs" # Get list of all directories LIST='ls /home' for path in $LIST; do # set skip variable skip=0 if [ "$IGNORE" != "" ]; then for i in $IGNORE; do [ "$path" == "$i" ] && skip=1 || : done fi if [ "$skip" == "0" ]; then #echo "--------------------------------------------------------" >> $LOG #echo "Scanning :: $path" >> $LOG #echo "--------------------------------------------------------" >> $LOG ERRORS='find /home/$path -name error_log' for err in $ERRORS; do echo "--------------------------------------------------------" >> $LOG echo "Error File :: $err" >> $LOG echo "--------------------------------------------------------" >> $LOG cat $err >> $LOG rm $err &> /dev/null done fi done if [ -f $LOG ] then mail -s "PHP Error Log" < $LOG fi rm $LOG &> /dev/null