Trainz, Auran, N3V Games and the why


RBR made Murchison County 2 keys available at a discounted rate to Crew, with the shut down I asked the MC2 author whether he would be able to refund me for the unsold (ie unissued, virgin, clean) keys. He responded that he would have to ‘ask Auran' the response from Graham Edelsten was …

These guys have no conception of business or “risk” that goes hand in hand with being in business. You have paid out on those keys … you have made a loss if you refund him. I suggest at least that you tell him that you will take them back and refund him when you sell them.


On 13 December 2007, Auran Development, the company behind Fury, went into voluntary administration. The majority of staff was laid off. Auran Games (the developer of the Trainz series) continued to operate, with a development team of just three individuals. Auran Games later became a subsidiary of N3V Games (previously known as N3VRF41L), founded by Graham Edelsten and Tony Hilliam in 2005.

Source Wikipedia


I think we can assume that the decision that RBR using TS12 was a waste of time is confirmed. It would also seem that the attempt to get TRS2004/Driver keys will also be a total lack of conception of business.